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Happy Birthday!


$23.70 | 6 cards & envelopes

(MSRP: $3.95)

"No need to read between the lines...you are wished the happiest birthday ever!"

Item 760-04016-000 Add to Cart
Cheetah Cub

$23.70 | 6 cards & envelopes

(MSRP: $3.95)

"Stretch, take a breath...and conquer the year ahead. Happy Birthday"

Item 760-04015-000 Add to Cart
Bald Eagle

$23.70 | 6 cards & envelopes

(MSRP: $3.95)

"Continue to be fierce, be bold, be you. Happy Birthday"

Item 760-04014-000 Add to Cart
Majestic Horse

$23.70 | 6 cards & envelopes

(MSRP: $3.95)

"Wishing you a majestic year ahead! Happy Birthday"

Item 760-04013-000 Add to Cart
2 Skateboarders

$23.70 | 6 cards & envelopes

(MSRP: $3.95)

"Hang on...there's a lot of fun ahead! Happy Birthday"

Item 760-04012-000 Add to Cart
Rainbow in the Clouds

$23.70 | 6 cards & envelopes

(MSRP: $3.95)

"Wishing you a beautiful year ahead! Happy Birthday"

Item 760-04011-000 Add to Cart
2 Giraffes

$23.70 | 6 cards & envelopes

(MSRP: $3.95)

"Just reaching out with a little love and a great big wish for a very happy birthday!"

Item 760-04010-000 Add to Cart
3 Cats

$23.70 | 6 cards & envelopes

(MSRP: $3.95)

"Birthday cuddles and warmest wishes coming your way...Hope Your Birthday Is as Special as You"

Item 760-04009-000 Add to Cart
Girl Floating Balloon

$23.70 | 6 cards & envelopes

(MSRP: $3.95)

"Get carried away! That's what birthdays are for!"

Item 760-04008-000 Add to Cart
Girl with Clown Nose

$23.70 | 6 cards & envelopes

(MSRP: $3.95)

"It's time to put your big girl panties on and face the year ahead...it's going to be great! Happy Birthday"

Item 760-04007-000 Add to Cart
Muscle Man

$23.70 | 6 cards & envelopes

(MSRP: $3.95)

"I'm really pulling for you to have a great year ahead! Happy Birthday"

Item 760-04006-000 Add to Cart
Orange Yarn

$23.70 | 6 cards & envelopes

(MSRP: $3.95)

"Hoping your birthday is a stitchin' good time!"

Item 760-04005-000 Add to Cart
Big Bone, Small Dog

$23.70 | 6 cards & envelopes

(MSRP: $3.95)

"Wish BIG! Hoping All of Your Birthday Wishes Come True"

Item 760-04004-000 Add to Cart
Dog with Tongue Out

$23.70 | 6 cards & envelopes

(MSRP: $3.95)

"So happy it's your birthday! Let's Celebrate"

Item 760-04003-000 Add to Cart
Typewriting Baby

$23.70 | 6 cards & envelopes

(MSRP: $3.95)

"Wishing you the type of birthday that makes you feel young again! Happy Birthday"

Item 760-04002-000 Add to Cart
The Cat's Roommate

$23.70 | 6 cards & envelopes

(MSRP: $3.95)

"No matter what the year ahead has in store, you are sure to conquer it all! Happy Birthday"

Item 760-04001-000 Add to Cart